Rhetoric School
The School of Rhetoric (grades 9 to 12) inspires and challenges students to grow in their learning through a rigorous and advanced course of study. Students take classes that prepare them for the time management and maturity that is required for academic success in higher education. All academic classes exceed the state's standards in math, science, fine arts, and foreign languages in addition to courses in Latin, debate, and theology. The literature and history curriculum makes use of great books and primary sources with a focus on the middle and modern ages in Western civilization. In their senior year, all students must prepare, deliver, and defend a senior thesis.
In addition to rigorous academics, the School of Rhetoric offers opportunities for students to participate in athletics (through the Hobbs Schools), fine arts, electives such as personal finance and PE/Health, and extracurrilar activities such as TeenPact, Robotics, Chess, etc.
Graduates who receive the education offered at Veritas will not just be smart and academically prepared for college, but they will also be characterized as young men and women who love God, love learning, and love to apply their learning to their faith.